Concrete Cooling Solutions
Precision Temperature Control for Commercial Concrete Cooling Installations
“Minimizing the temperature of fresh concrete at placement is one of the most important ways to minimize thermal stresses and cracking.”– American Concrete Institute
Reducing concrete placement temperature is the standard operating procedure for mass concrete pours like nuclear power plant cooling towers and for smaller projects such as bridge piers, highways, airport runways, building foundations, and other structural buildings where thermal stresses and cracking need to be minimized.
Pre-chilling concrete during the batching operation lowers the placement temperature and increases product quality and strength by reducing tensile stresses that occur during the curing process.
Morris offers an array of refrigeration systems that allow for precise temperature control during concrete batching. All of our solutions for water-chilled batches, aggregate chilling, and post cooling are:
- Microprocessor-controlled to optimize temperatures to meet each job’s requirements
- Highly flexible, sized to produce from 10 to 110 tons of ice per day with automatic storage bins sized from 20 to 300 tons
- Available in both permanent and portable configurations
- 24-hour service capable