Commercial Baking
Complete dough cooling solutions: ice and ingredient water chilling
Morris Just-In-Time Ice and Chilled water systems ensure dough quality by providing precise weight control of ice and chilled water necessary to rapidly lower dough temperature. The fully automated system communicates with the recipe computer to serve a single mixer or multiple mixers. The Morris system has a small footprint, in-line ice storage which removes the need for an ice room and associated labor and can be placed adjacent to the mixers. Both the ice makers and in-line water chillers use environmentally friendly refrigerants and are rated for maximum energy efficiency.Systems Include:
- Morris Ice Maker
- Dosing Scale
- Just-In-Time Storage & Delivery
- In-Line Water Chiller
- Touch screen controls - fully integrates with dough recipe system
- Hygienic design with CIP system

Morris Just-In-Time ice systems can deliver up to 44 tons of flake-type ice per day or 3,333 lbs (1,515 kgs) of ice per hour. Morris dosing scales meter ice from 50 to 250 lbs (23 to 114 kg) per batch and the system can continuously serve multiple mixers. Morris in-line water chillers provide 1ºC chilled water at rates up to 100 gpm (380 kg/m).